S.I. Unit of physical quantity

S.I. Unit of physical quantity

Quantity S.I. Unit Symbol
Length meter m
Mass Kilogram kg
Time second s
Energy joule J
Electric current ampere A
Electric charge coulomb C
Potential Difference volt V
Electric Resistance ohm Ω
Electrical Capacity farad F
Magnetic Induction henry H
Magnetic Flux weber Wb
Area square meter m2
Speed meter per second m/s or ms-1
Volume Cubic meter m3
Angle Velocity radian per second rad s-1
Frequency Hertz Hz
Moment of inertia kilogram Square meter kg m2
Momentum kilogram meter per second kg ms-1
impulse newton second Ns
Angular Momentum kilogram square meter per second kg m2s-1
Pressure pascal Pa
Quantity S.I. Unit Symbol
Power Watt W
Surface tension newton per meter Nm-1
Viscosity newton second per square meter N s m-2
Thermal Conductivity watt per meter per degree celcius W m-1C-1
Specific Heat capacity joule per kilogram per Kelvin K kg-1K-1
Temperature kelvin K
Intensity of flame candela cd
Angle radian rad
Solid angle steredian sr
Force newton N